One of the things I really like about working the night shift are the quiet days I have before I work. Yes, I should sleep more. Over the past two years it's actually only gotten harder to take naps or sleep in so I'm really rested to stay up all night. But I have gotten better about accomplishing little odds and ends, hanging out on the couch and watching cable (because all those things are just so difficult). I have such a rough life.
I only have nine shifts before my due date, and only six of those are overnights. If I work two in a row, obviously I do manage to sleep in between, so I guess I have maybe two or three of these "rest" days left. I've spent this one doing my nails, writing thank you notes for baby girl presents, drinking my raspberry leaf uterus-strengthening tea (I have mixed feelings on this one), snuggling with my sweet animals, and hoping I just spontaneously go into labor and actually have no shifts left (it's looking unlikely).
I know I could be doing so many more productive things with my time. The obvious one being sleeping all day when I have to stay up all night. Actually, I am waiting for that nesting thing to happen - now that the baby's room is basically done and our hospital bags are as packed as possible, I'm just going to relax until I am suddenly hit by that crazy burst of energy (that everyone has promised me will happen) to do things like dust the blinds and scrub the kitchen floors. And if it doesn't happen...well, I think I can justify a few more days of guilt-free How I Met Your Mother marathons.
There is something to be said for a lazy day! I'll be there for you when the scrubbing and frantic cleaning takes place.. that's right where I fit in! I wonder if I have been nesting my whole life??