...but it's going to take a while to get there, and I know always skip to the photos, so please! Bear with me.
One of my goals for this new year is to spend less time reading blogs and books about crafty things, and spend more time actually learning how to do them myself. I used youtube videos to teach myself how to knit a few years ago, and literally three weeks after stocking up on needles and yarn and starting multiple scarf-related projects, I promptly broke my wrist snowboarding. Besides the fact that being down an appendage made my last semester of nursing school miserable, I wasn't really able to use my right hand until spring break. At that point, my knitting motivation was low.
Since then, I've picked up the knitting needles several times, finished a scarf or two, and even taught myself (youtube again!) how to make cables, knit in the round, and a few other little tricks. But inevitably I lose interest the minute the weather gets warm.
Somehow I decided this past year, after becoming immersed in the world of crafting blogs, that I needed to learn how to sew. Then my in-laws very generously got me a sewing machine for Christmas, and it sat unopened in the living room until I took it out of the box, became overwhelmed by it, and put it in the corner of the baby's room so I could watch cable and read more blogs without My Lack of Initiative staring me in the face.
Although I have a strange fear of craft stores (there are aisles of things that I cannot identify), and despite the fact that the owner's manual for my extremely basic sewing machine could have been written in Swahili for all I understood it, I am really excited to start sewing. So today I found myself in Joann's picking up all the supplies I need to make that happen.
I did not hyperventilate in the store, and I did come home with a huge bag full of sewing necessities. But I had also tossed in some sweet little hair clippys and a few rolls of $1 girly ribbon to our overflowing cart, so while I did not spend the afternoon threading bobbins (if that is what you do?) or figuring out what to do with a foot pedal, I did get all no-sew crafty.
I could not pass up these precious little ribbon rolls - not overwhelmingly pink, but all girl anyways.
Joshua's sister Heidi introduced us to this E-6000 crafting glue when she was making our baby girl adorable headbands for one of our baby showers.
And if by some chance our daughter has any hair to clip, we are prepared.
And...we've come full circle to the beginning of this super long-winded post, in which I did not actually sew or knit or do anything except glue. And even then, I think Jessica's clippys are cuter than mine - she made the one with the button.
After the super easy and satisfying cuteness of that quick project, what is still awaiting me tomorrow during playoff commercial breaks? And also distracting me from the realities of being 39 weeks pregnant with a hiccuping ninja who seems to be in no rush to make her debut? This baby...
Yay clippys! Is it wrong that I want to make larger adult sized ones? I heart bows!!
ReplyDeletesoo cute!! i love it! once, just ONE time i put a bow on easton. just in the comfort of my own house to see what he would look like. josh caught me and let's just say that was the end of that charade. ALL TO SAY, i hope to have a girl someday so i can put a bow on the head. baby-girl-havi will be adorable! oh and the sewing machine? do what i did. tell joshua to read the manual and teach you. it works. i promise.