But in the meantime, while I continue to slowly organize all these posts and random thoughts, such as the perils of using diaper rash cream on a cloth diapered baby (don't do it! It stains, and she didn't even have a rash in the first place. I am full of regret!) I also have Easter pictures of our little lady to share.
Here is she is after Easter dinner at Joshua's parents. We celebrated on the Saturday before so we could be at our own church on Sunday. This was also her only chance for an Easter basket, since we are cruel and realistic parents who did not go shopping for pastel-colored, developmentally appropriate gifts for a three month old with no concept of the holidays. That's what grandparents are for.

As you can see, she's so excited to head off to church and joyfully celebrate the Resurrection!
I think this picture is a perfect example of how Matilda comes by her nasty expressions honestly. I have no idea why I am making that terrible face. Matilda wasn't fussing and I'm not upset. Church was beautiful, she was smiling and flirting with everyone she could see, and when she started getting a little bored Joshua took her out so I could listen to the sermon. I even had enough coffee that morning. Basically, I have no excuses for why it looks like I am verbally accosting my child. Because I certainly am not.
We finally pulled it together for a family Easter picture,and yes, we did overdress the baby and then wear jeans ourselves. She is the main event anyways, right?
We went out to lunch with a group of friends after church, and Matilda spent the entire time sleeping happily in her carseat. She woke up all smiley when we got home, so we figured we would take a few more quick pictures of her first Easter (you know we weren't satisfied with those screaming carseat pics). But she had another idea, which was to vomit profusely all over her outfit and at that point we just gave up.
Despite the setback in overdocumenting our daughter's life, Easter was lovely. It's the vibrant celebration of our faith and of the promise that we have life after this life - something that I appreciate so much more now that Matilda is here. Easter is the perfect reminder that despite how easy it is to get caught up in what we have and want,we have already been given everything we need.

And this little girl...armwarmers, bunny hat, peep-toe socks, puke-covered Easter dress and all...well, she is far beyond what we need. She's like an entire Easter basket of Adorable.
I love this post...and that last outfit!