Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's Feeling Real! And It's Feeling Hot.

I was reading through posts on one of my old blogs (that died a slow and totally unnoticed death), and I came across this little gem that I wrote:

"And in 2009 I have decided I'm going to enjoy this limbo time, between being old enough to have a real job and real paycheck (and real vacations) and between having serious responsibilities like kids and a mortgage and GRANITE, damnit. I'm going to enjoy that we could buy a condo, or we can do something totally different and adventurous."

Ha! 2010 has shown up with a mortgage, a pregnancy, and even a bonus dog that I clearly I hadn't planned on last year. I don't think we did anything that was 'totally different and adventurous', but we traveled quite a bit, spent our hard-earned money in ways that homeowners and parents probably should not, and I'm sure generally behaved in a manner unbecoming to both homeowners and especially parents. Several incidents along the coast of Mexico and in international waters come to mind. I would have to say that looking back on 2009 and the first half of this year, I think we did a good job enjoying the DINK lifestyle. And my liver is probably at least a little thankful for nine months of peace, quiet and the total absence of tequila.

Apparently in 2009 I was also very concerned with the responsibility of owning GRANITE, but we actually lucked out with granite countertops later that year when we moved to the apartment where we currently live. I guess wrote that blog post before that deep need was met? Joshua has actually told me that the countertops at our new place are not thick enough. Apparently there are standards. So 2011 may even bring us new ones - I mean, since I was so concerned about it in the past, let's definitely keep the maintenance and improvement of GRANITE as a serious responsibility.

We now have an official closing date, although I know they are subject to change, and a moving date. We should be in the new place by November 1st, and I'm hoping that by then this ridiculous heat wave will be over, but it won't have started snowing yet (this seems like a lot to ask from the Chicago weather). I am so excited and nervous to have a place of our own! Excited because we can actually make it exactly the way we want it, and nervous because we can screw it up only at our own expense. Also nervous because I realized we are moving in 5 weeks at the most, and I am literally busy with work, an out of town wedding, and various other can't-miss-them activities on 26 of the 35 days that I have left to organize, sublet, and pack this place up. We have never really done anything in a calm and methodical manner in our whole lives, so I shouldn't be surprised, but...yikes.

In fun pregnancy news, I now have a definite bump at 21 and a half weeks. It's nice because now I feel like I can move on from the self-esteem loss that comes with looking like I eat a dozen doughnuts after every meal. And every meal is pasta in cream sauce. With a side of...butter. Basically what I'm saying is, I'm thankful to look like I'm growing a child and not a warning ad for a Paula Deen cookbook. Baby girl is kicking away and I can't wait for Joshua to really be able to feel her moving as well. So far, her 21 week self cannot yet pummel through the abdominal fat I so thoughtfully acquired pre-pregnancy. For her protection, of course.

Anyways, both the condo and the growing baby are all feeling very real these days! And when Joshua brings home a carload of boxes, the packing will also feel very real. Apparently all the things I decided would be so fun to postpone in 2009 have now collided in 2010, so thank God I am now familiar with the care and upkeep of GRANITE, or this whole process would probably just knock me out cold.

More updates to come...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Yes, I will be posting here...

To all the doubters, re: Kirsten, my lovely wife, I hope this post makes it abundantly clear that I will be posting here.

The latest? We just got word that one more key step in our home-buying process has been completed and we can now move swiftly toward closing. So, I guess that's it for now--I just wanted to come in with some good stuff right away.

Hello, Internet. You missed me, right?

Well! This is the first post of my third blog. The first two fizzled out due to a total lack of riveting content, so I have done my best to make our lives more interesting over the past few years in order to have something to whine about on the internet.

Just kidding!

Hopefully, I will actually use this blog to keep our friends and family updated on our lives. We have decided to go all out this year in terms of making the leap to incredibly responsible adulthood, and I thought our loved ones might be interested in laughing at us supporting us as we experience the brand new challenges of homeownership and parenthood in the next few months.

We have a fairly busy schedule planned for now until the end of January, which includes but is not limited to: packing up our entire apartment and moving into our new condo when I'm six months pregnant, unpacking into a new place, the entire whirlwind of the winter holidays, and then birthing an actual human. I think it all sounds overwhelming, but they tell me that last one is a doozy.

After that, we don't plan on acquiring any new animals, homes, or children for quite a while.

We both plan to post on this blog (I will be as interested as anyone else to see if Joshua follows through on that), and we definitely plan on being very honest about all the challenges and joys we experience during this crazy period of transition. So do we advise moving 2 cats, a dog, 3,127 lbs of books and furniture a few weeks before Thanksgiving and 3 months before your first baby is due? We agree, it sounds like a terrible idea. Check this site soon for details.

It's good to be back, Internet!