Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Remember when I used to blog? And we had that roly-poly baby with wispy hair who was just starting to eat solid food and a dog who was cancer free and a cat who mistook Matilda's flowery curtains for her own litterbox? That was fun, wasn't it?

I'm really not sure why I stopped writing here - it's partly that the perfectionist in me finds writing consistently and well a tricky matter, and partly that I like to use naptimes to either clean up my house or my DVR - but I'm back. Time doesn't stand still even for the laziest of bloggers so while I left you hanging right about here:

Both this stupidly hot September weekend in Minneapolis and all those sweet baby arm rolls have come and gone. We sat Matilda down to take her picture in the sculpture gardens and after a lifetime of near verbal silence, she suddenly burst out with her very first bababa and dadada. Six hours later she was burning up with her first fever and our drive home the next day was 7 hours of the saddest babbling I have ever heard from a child. Also, screaming. And crying (it was me!). Then suddenly it was fall, and then Thanksgiving and now it's the week before Christmas and we have a baby who looks more like this:

Oh HI! (Matilda would say if her verbal skills were anywhere near as advanced as her physical skills). Welcome to my room! Why yes, I do think I can stand and walk on my own and what? I just faceplanted? Not a problem, I'm extremely experienced in this area.

What else has happened besides the inevitable passing of time, the changing of the seasons, the rush of holidays, and the mind-numbing wind up to an election year? So much, and also not much. Here is the so much: Matilda slowly transitioned from her spastic forward wiggle to a decent army crawl and then suddenly perfected a wickedly quick momentum - no one was more frustrated by her plodding pace than Matilda herself and the second she pulled her coordination together she started darting out of sight in seconds. Within a few weeks there was excellent pulling up and standing, and inching along inanimate objects (and other unfortunate, animate objects - the animals hide now when she sets her sights on them). Now we have an almost-eleven month old who wants no help with anything, ever, still refuses to say mama but says "TA-dee-DA!" when she's proud of herself, and wolfs down things like fish and quinoa and pancakes. She loves other babies, waves at pictures of people, loves to belly laugh and play peekaboo, yet remains about as cuddly as a porcupine who is feeling threatened.

This is about as "snuggly" as our independent child ever gets. I am equally parts proud and terrified of her strong-willed self. It's all fun and games until there is talking and running and then I hear (from my mother), that it's just about keeping everyone alive until those higher cognizance areas of the brain kick in and elevate the child mind out of what is basically the animal realm. I googled it, and this happens in the late teens. So! Merry Christmas!

So much more to come now that I've revived the blog but I will leave you with this...

Just to keep things real.


  1. YOU'RE BACK! Highlight of my week, for sure. And yes, that includes Christmas.

  2. So glad you are back! My Christmas wish has come true :) Love the Tils update!!

  3. I love it. Miss you guys a ton already!

  4. Yay, so glad you're back, welcome to the blogosphere! :) She is absolutely adorable, can't believe she is almost a year, where on earth does the time go!?

  5. Love it! Can't wait to Skype with you guys on Christmas, although it's a poor substitute for hugs and floor time! Miss you and love you! Dad

  6. Love it! Can't wait to Skype with you guys on Christmas, although it's a poor substitute for hugs and floor time! Miss you and love you! Dad
