Thursday, August 25, 2011

Matilda Month By Month

I know I'm just a broken record at this point, but honestly, our Matilda Claire becomes more of a little girl every day. Lately there have been quick moments when she falls asleep in the middle of playing, with her arms out at her side in pure baby exhaustion, and I suddenly catch a glimpse of her as the toddler she will be before I know it. And every so often when she curls her body into mine to nurse, especially in the early mornings when she's laying next to me, I realize that her dimply knees and chubby toes now press against different parts of me than the days before.

This baby, with scrawny legs and long spindly fingers, who slept so soundly I was worried she had hearing loss, seems entirely too fragile to be our Matilda.

This baby, still swimming in her zero to three month onesie, hands still clenched in those baby fists, is precious and wee and can't fling herself off the bed or make it across the living room in one graceful barrel roll.

This baby, more alert, with round fleshy knees sticking out beneath her suddenly small tutu, is the beginning of the Matilda I still see today.

This baby, curious and content, wide-eyed and full bellied, still lives here with us.

This sweet round little babe had to graduate to the next size up in tutus, and although you can't tell, wore her onesie unbuttoned for part of this photo shoot because her chunky baby self was literally busting out the seams.

This is my Matilda. And this independent girl is not even as wild as the baby who spent today bouncing and reaching and flailing and army crawling  - yes, she did, there was belly scooting and rocking on all fours and a determined momentum that will coordinate itself soon enough.

These pictures are all unedited, and some are the teensiest bit out of focus. We have some plans of what we will do with the best shots out of our twelve months of photos, and they will be cropped and the lighting will be corrected and it will all be very polished (it will probably not be me doing this, let's get real). But I like these raw photos for the way they capture Matilda as she grows. It's amazing to glance back and see that from the very beginning she has actually looked so much like she still does now. She looks both incredibly different and comfortingly the same as she was the night she was born.

We haven't taken her six month pictures yet. We took most of these towards the end of whatever month she was in, partly because we are disorganized like that, and partly because by the end of the month she is doing all the things that we then remember that month for. She turned five months on July 1, started sitting alone on July 5, and when we took her five month pictures she was sitting alone in almost all of them. Because sitting is what five months was all about.

Also, assisted standing.

Oh, watch out world. Six month pictures this week and then a seven (seven!) month old baby are barreling around the corner.

Those pesky teeth. If five months was about sitting and seven seems like it will be all about crawling, six certainly has been all about the pearly whites so far. Both bottom front teeth broke through at the same time, we had a bit of a reprieve (look how much less crying this post had than this one last week!), and now one of the top teeth is on its way in. Ouch.

See? Foreshadowing.

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