Freezing drizzle plus fatty flakes. I know, THE BEST.
I needed to get the girls out of the house a few weeks ago, and after scrapping plans for the library when I realized I had no cash or checks and owed them $37.40 in fines (always. I am completely incapable of returning books on time), we wandered instead to the Lincoln Park Conservatory. We've stopped in a few times during zoo trips over the past few years, but since we usually hang at the zoo in nicer weather, the appeal of the greenhouse was somewhat lost on me. However! In the middle of winter, it felt like retreating to a tiny humid jungle. Which is exactly what I want to do every day until spring. Matilda threw her coat into the stroller and ran around whooping, "It's so WARM!" , and then we stayed for hours while she explored basically every single plant and tree and koi fish in the joint.
We do not usually leave the house in fleecy reindeer prints, but it was Pajama Day at preschool and once I decided we were spending the afternoon out of the house it was a done deal, no going back for appropriate-in-public options.
Matilda has been badly wanting to Joshua to see the "Terrarrium", which has been her name for the conservatory since the day after our first trip, despite the fact that we never once called it that. I'm not even sure how she linked those terms together in her mind, but anyways, we headed back this week. After all the snow over the past weekend, there was dense condensation on the glass ceiling and water was falling in huge, slow, random drops. Naturally, we needed huge banana leaf umbrellas.

Little lady was beyond thrilled to have Daddy hanging out in the ferns and cycads with her! Cycads, of course, are a fancy kind of jungle tree I now know a lot about thanks to the time I had to read the signage in the Conservatory while Matilda "looked for dinosaurs". I wish I was better at taking photos (life goal), or was one of those moms who casually slings the DSLR around and ends up with an archival quality family outing picture, but so far despite actually having a nice camera I have not yet achieved anything close to that level of awesome. What I have is this:
Thankfully we randomly color coordinated to distract from the fact that there's a terrible filter on that picture making everyone look jaundiced. But we were so warm! And it smells like jasmine and orchids and so many other delicious things in the Conservatory, which almost makes up for the fact that when we left, it had snowed quite a bit. Our drive home was very slow and blustery and then of course we got stuck in the unplowed, snow-packed alley, and Matilda refused to put her mittens on and then cried because she was freezing. Despite that rough departure, I cannot recommend the "Terrarium" enough. All the green and growing things make me remember the way summer feels. Plus, cycads!