With all the craziness of moving, working, the holidays, parties, Christmas shopping, and so on, I don't think we have really wrapped our mind around the idea that our baby girl is going to
be here in a month and a half. While I am ready to say goodbye to my new friend acid reflux, and momentarily losing my breath everytime I put on or take my shoes off, I still can't believe how fast the time is going. A month and a half
ago seems like yesterday, so really I think we are going to blink and wonder how it's possible that we now have a screaming human on our hands.

But just because the time is flying and we have packed schedules doesn't mean we aren't getting ready for her arrival. Between an overabundance of baby showers (seriously, this girl is spoiled), and our own excitement to research and pick out the very best baby products, her room and her 'stuff' is gradually starting to come together.

Last night Joshua and
Jakob built the crib, and by next week we will have her changing table. Her room has been used as a storage area since we moved in, and the huge bookshelf that is currently housing overflow decorations and a flatscreen TV needs to go somewhere else. The rapidly filling closet needs to be organized, her clothes need to be washed, and we are missing a few significant odds and ends - the most important being that she currently has no place to sleep in our room when we come home. (But don't worry, this January baby's super swanky
stroller is all assembled and ready to go...nowhere, if the weather is anywhere near as cold as it is now when she arrives).

I also have to confess that I am overwhelmed by all the
pink that having a little girl apparently brings. Not that we haven't bought into it ourselves, with her tulip crib bedding, but I think this child owns approximately four things that don't fall somewhere on the rose-to-fuschia spectrum. Joshua and I were both pretty convinced this baby was going to be a boy, so I just keep thinking how hilarious it will be if the little karate kid we keep calling she turns out to actually be a
he. I think its unlikely after two very convincing ultrasounds but of course, everyone knows someone who knows someone who had a teeny weinie surprise at the birth.

I happen to think Joshua looks great in the one pink dress shirt that he owns, but I am pretty sure I'd feel funny bringing home a boy and sticking him straight into this crib. Only (a very short amount of) time left until we meet our baby daughter - who is hopefully just as sweet and girly and happy to wear pink as everyone else is to gift it to her in any way possible!